12 Top Libertarian Bands You’ve Never Heard Of
Look, I know.
Obviously everyone’s already heard of Rush (who famously dedicated their album, 2112, to Ayn Rand), and we all know of bands like Muse, and NOFX, who have released a couple libertarian songs over the years.
But beyond those few table crumbs and scraps, where can a libertarian audiophile go to get really good songs about freedom?
How can you, an intellectual, fill your headholes with hard rock songs about praxeology?
In short, are there any actual, explicitly libertarian bands out there?
Well, to answer that question yer ‘umble author here has done some digging (ok, a lot of digging) and it turns out that, yes.
Yes there are.
Top Libertarian Bands

The libertarian bands I’ve listed here have a couple things in common.
First, the artists themselves are all explicitly libertarian. That means no country bands that may have a gun rights song but are actually pro-war Republicans, and no punk bands that may have an anti-government song but are actually socialists (looking at you, Anti-Flag).
And second, their songs actually promote or defend some element of political libertarianism (individual rights, free markets, self defense etc.) so that their music, and not just their personal political beliefs, is also explicitly libertarian.
All that being said, I’ve ordered the list of libertarian bands below alphabetically by band name or artist last name.
1. BackWordz
These guys are the real deal. Frontman Eric July describes himself as an anarcho-capitalist, and has written for places like The Libertarian Republic. Just about every song of this rap/metal band is as explicitly libertarian as you can get.
The song list on their debut album, Veracity (incidentally a top recommendation in our article of the best gifts for libertarians), reads like a greatest hits tour through libertarian philosophy:
Oh, and that hard rock song about praxeology?
Yeah, they’ve got that too.
2. Freenauts
This libertarian rap band is a collaboration between some well-known libertarian hip hop artists—including Alex Vidal, Silver Stax, Keybeaux, and CTRAFFIK—and their first album, Beats, Rhymes & Liberty, does not disappoint. The track list is as varied as the artists creating it, but all the songs are united with a libertarian (and often anarcho-capitalist) theme.
From the Eminem-sounding “Crazy Sexy Rebel,” to “Great Idea” which samples an Adam Kokesh speech, and “1nce Again 1nce Again” which is dedicated to (and clearly inspired by) A Tribe Called Quest’s Phife Dawg, Freenaut’s songs run the gamut of hip hop styles.
But their lyrics are all liberty.
Take “1nce Again 1nce Again” for instance:
Don’t play me close, 2nd amendment teaches quick lessons
My shit’s encrypted simply meaning that I got the keys
Anonymous ID’s, blockchain baller steez
Sometimes I might catch apologists for legal plunder
But at the end of the day, tax is theft brotha
Some other great songs from them:
3. Galt Aureus
Technically more Objectivist than libertarian, Galt Aureus nevertheless is an incredible pro-freedom band. With the haunting vocals of Saher Galt and a melodic rock sound, Galt Aureus serves up some incredibly catchy tunes you’ll find stuck in your head days later.
And their lyrics are all liberty, baby. Take the uber-Randian tune “STRIKE” from their album “Treason,” for instance:
No indenture bears my name,
yet the state arrogates my labor
all the same.
Let a little blood upon the wheel,
shed a little more upon the gears,
lay your hands upon the levers and now,
shut the machine down.
I recognize no right of state
to dictate what of my life is mine
and what they’ll take.
And they’ve got lots more where that came from:
4. The Gitmos
With a decidedly tongue-in-cheek political punk sound, it can be hard to tell when The Gitmos are being serious, and when the band is instead trading on satire. But despite the conspiracy-laced tinge of some of their lyrics (Alex Jones-type libertarians will feel right at home) The Gitmos hit all the right notes that a libertarian band should.
Their energetic, cheerful sound goes perfectly with lyrics like:
Privatize the profit
“I think that’s a great idea!”
Socialize the debt
“Well that means you pay!”
From their upbeat song “Bailout.”
And the rest of their oeuvre is no less libertarian:
5. The Interrupters
This libertarian band is fronted by Aimee Allen, who wrote Ron Paul’s official song for his 2008 campaign. The Interrupters are a punk/ska band with a lot of great libertarian songs, including hits like “Liberty,” whose lyrics and catchy rhythm will warm the cold, dark heart of even the most curmudgeonly freedom-lover:
Drones in the sky
Government lies
Keeping an eye out
Tell me why they violate rights
Blue and red lights
Billyclub fights on my street at night
Where did my liberty go?
Other awesome songs of theirs include:
6. Tatiana Moroz
Moroz is a singer-songwriter active in the libertarian community. She runs a podcast covering all sorts of libertarian topics where she hosts libertarian guests like Julie Borowski (who wrote a libertarian children’s book), Bob Murphy (whose free libertarian novel, Minerva, we’ve covered here at AFL), and libertarian actor Robert Anthony Peters.
She’s also a passionate cryptocurrency enthusiast, and created her own “TatianaCoin” to successfully fund a new album. As a talented musician her warm vocals lend heart to the pro-liberty messages in her songs.
- The Bitcoin Song
- Evolution to Revolution
- The Silk Road – A Tribute Song to Ross Ulbricht
- Make A YouTube Video
7. Remy Munasifi
While most of rapper/comedian Remy’s recent songs are parody covers, he’s also written and performed a large number of original libertarian tunes. Initially having gone viral with his “Arlington Rap” song, “GoRemy” has since opened for Ron Paul, performed at Students for Liberty conferences, and worked with the Tax Foundation to record anti-taxation songs.
He’s got scores of songs to pick from, but some of his best original libertarian ones include:
8. Jordan Page
Another singer-songwriter, Page’s velvety voice and libertarian bonafides (he’s opened for Ron Paul dozens of times) have appeared on AFL before, and for good reason. Not only is he a passionate libertarian activist who uses his music to bring attention to important causes (see “The Persecution of Schaeffer Cox“), but he’s an extremely gifted artist with a talent for memorable lyrics and haunting vocals.
As an example from his popular song, “Liberty“:
When is the right time to stand up for freedom?
Could it be when you start to fear creating children
Who’ll inherit the pain and the debt of this nation
And be slaves to the banks that cause hyper-inflation
Who are masters of commerce, lies, and bad legislation?
And all of his songs are this good:
9. Poker Face
Similar to The Gitmos above, the guys of Poker Face—a self-described “truth/freedom band”—are a hard rock band firmly on the Alex Jones spectrum of libertarian bands (as illustrated by songs like “Illuminati”). But that doesn’t mean their pro-freedom, anti-authoritarian tracks don’t rock. Because with rich guitar riffs and great vocal harmonies, they definitely do.
From defending gun rights, to decrying the welfare state, and even a tribute to marijuana, Poker Face has got a ton of songs that will resonate with libertarians of every stripe.
10. Post Freedom
This anarcho-capitalist punk band is, unfortunately, currently on hiatus. The good news is they’ve released their debut album, The Decentralization of Thought, online for free download.
With a sound similar to Dropkick Murphys (owing largely to Matt Bergman’s throaty vocals) and lyrics like “Statism’s footprint is the blood that is shed/drenching the flags of the tax farms in red,” anyone who likes passion-filled punk will love this ancap band.
11. Rothbard
Another libertarian band that is sadly on hiatus, Rothbard was led by David White of Burnt Records. With a name like “Rothbard” it’s no surprise that this rock band is composed of individualist anarchists and that their songs are incredibly libertarian.
With the band’s roots in the 2008 financial crisis, songs like “Too Big to Fail” and “Helicopter Ben” skewer government interventions, while “Ron Paul” and “Freedom” offer a more hopeful view of the future of personal liberty.
12. Sons of Liberty
The personal side-project of Iced Earth’s Jon Schaffer, Sons of Liberty is an unapologetically pro-freedom band. With a similar heavy metal sound to Iced Earth, Sons of Liberty’s track list focuses largely on the radical ideas of America’s Founding Fathers (and their website links to Cato and the Mises Institute).
Sons of Liberty’s lyrics practically drip defiance and rebellion. For instance:
We look to the Founders
Who inspire the cause when hope is but lost
To be free
We’ll bring down the tyrants
Forcing their hand, bringing them down to their knees
If you’re feeling a little revolution, you could do worse this band’s songs:
Honorable mentions
Some other awesome libertarian and libertarian-adjacent bands include:
- Rebel, Inc. (like a libertarian Rage Against the Machine)
- Steve Lee (folksy pro-gun songs with a charming Australian accent, what’s not to like?)
- Sleep Labs
- Sleep Rebellion
Any other great libertarian bands?
Despite our deep digging, it’s entirely possible AFL missed some awesome libertarian musicians out there.
Any others you know of that are both explicitly libertarian in their personal beliefs and their lyrics?
Add ’em in the comments!
(And don’t say Rush. Everyone already knows about Rush, guys.)
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How does Muse, bigger than all these nobodies put together, not make the top of the list? Literally members of the LP UK.
Haha that’s the point! The goal was to find libertarian bands you’ve never heard of, and everyone’s heard of Muse and Rush.
I’ve been looking for this type of info for a couple years! I started making a Spotify playlist, and I have a few of these on there already
Fantastic! Link it in the comments when it’s done and I’ll add it to the article!
Also consider stuff from the full list of 350+ libertarian songs: https://www.artforliberty.com/libertarian-songs/
Blunt Force Trauma from ATX
Albums include:
Good Morning America 2007
Hatred for the State 2009
Let Them Eat Lead 2012
M.O.D (method of destruction) not exclusively libertarian. But big themes of freedom and individualism in their newer albums.
I’ll check ’em out, thanks!
Kyle Reese/Blooded the Brave would be a good addition to this list
Oh yeah! I have him on the full list of 350+ libertarian songs (https://www.artforliberty.com/libertarian-songs/) but didn’t think to add him to this post. Thanks!
390 is a libertarian punk band that should be included to the list
“Havok” – a thrash metal band with strong anti authoritarian lyrical themes
Listen to Parkway Drive’s songs “Absolute Power” and “Crushed” and tell me they aren’t libertarian.
Black Debbath, most songs with Norwegian lyrics, one album in English (Welcome to Norway). Black Sabbath tribute band, political/life humor/satire. Best in Norwegian, which is sad for those who do not understand that language 😉
Maira Basilio, Brazilian, nice guitar/voice, with titles like “Politicamente Correcto”, “Imposto E Roubo” (tax is theft), “Muito Facil” (Too easy).
igs – musigs.bandcamp.com
I’m an Objectivist, but rarely set out to write explicitly political songs… but this is along those lines: https://youtu.be/sKuTnTu-Orw
I like it. Thanks for sharing!
John Popper , vocalist and mouth harp player in Blues Traveler is a Libertarian.
I’m a libertarian and a musician. I’ve been writing new classic rock style music. Check it out at https://gregmusic5.wixsite.com/mysite
Thanks, – Greg J Kerkow
Awesome, I’ll take a look!
Voluntaryist electronic musician here. https://senvorto.com
Maybe I would place somewhere in the high teens on this list, but here you go: Mattbankert.com
Good stuff Matt! I’ve had your site listed in the “other lists of libertarian music” section over on this page for a while: https://www.artforliberty.com/libertarian-songs/
mercurial metal band, Cea Serin
Nice; any particular songs that are especially libertarian?
How about “Bother”? In the song “Broken Man” as well as “Take 2” Libertarian’s virtues are espoused.
2 years late, but glad I found this article. I’ve been looking for this information for a while now. Thanks!
Can I dip my toes into some shameless self promotion? I’m releasing a libertarian themed post-punk album on 3 February 2023 on streaming platforms and bandcamp as Dead Ambassadors.
There are no songs more quintessentially libertarian than “Eye of the Beholder” and “Don’t Tread On Me” by Metallica.
Hatebreed deserves an honorable mention here as well, along with any other “positive mental attitude,” “do it yourself” hardcore bands in the same vein.
Awesome thanks! Hadn’t heard of Hatebreed before.